Saturday, November 9, 2019

color photography, filters, DSLR diagram

Any past due work will not be accepted after November 15. Maximum makeup grade (except for excused absences) is 75 for each assignment.

Cleanup your trash from food and beverages

.............from Tuesday

I need 3 volunteers per class who 

will be sure that food and trash 

is cleaned up every day.

All you need to do is tell me if 
trash is being left by someone 
and/or tell me if you see trash 
when you come in for your class.

If you are a volunteer, just tell me about 
any trash issues. I will tell the person who needs to cleanup or I will cleanup. You NEVER should pickup someone
else's trash. That is THEIR responsibilty

Trash = no food or beverages for one week.







our class site

help topics are below assignments near bottom of this post

Note: Class opening assignments and daily assignments are due at the announced time on the announced day. I will not accept them after the announced time unless you have an excused absence. 

Cell phones are for classwork only. If you are not using them for classwork, I will ask you to put them away. If you do not comply, I will ask you to give me the cell phone temporarily. 

Sound will be muted

Class Opening:

•Have Google Chrome in your dock, NOT Safari

•Be sure you have the Photoshop icon in your dock

•Go to and open this site.

Keep this site and tab open the entire class

Today's classwork


Create, organize and refine artwork

Assignment Objectives:

1. Take assigned photos and upload them 

to your Macintosh computer

2. Open uploaded photos in Photoshop 

3. Use Photoshop tools correctly

4. Digitize photos in Photoshop and save 

them correctly 

5. Create and maintain a digital portfolio

When I am delivering instruction,
please follow these expectations and rules:

•Be seated
•Follow directions
•Raise your hand before speaking 
or leaving your seat
•Put away cell phones and electronic 
devices when asked to do so
•Respect everyone

Consequences for not doing so:

•Letter home

Do in class today November 12-15:

1. Photograph color objects

2. Load photos on your computer.

3. Show me for grade.

4. Complete worksheet and turn in 

for grade.

Past due photos:

If you want a grade, set up and take 
photos like these (at school or at home), 
load them on your computer, apply levels
and show me your work.

75 maximum grade unless you have excused absences

Color photo 1

Color photo 2

If you have not, create a digital portfolio in your computer's documents folder.

Directions for Digital Portfolio

1. Create a new folder. Title it: Your first name and 

last name_Portfolio


2. Save it on your computer.

3. Copy or place your "finished" artwork 

and photos into your Portfolio folder.

NOTE: All work in your Portfolio folder is 

your BEST work, not just any work you 

have done


Multiple windows open, use F3 key

Photoshop tools

Using Photoshop Tools

Photoshop BootCamp

help for many topics

Making a new folder

Pasting an image into photoshop

resizing an image in Photoshop

cutting out part of a photo in Photoshop

using an eraser tool in Photoshop

create a G mail account and blog

make folder in Google drive

organize files in Google drive

placing a folder from computer into a Google Drive folder
Your grade

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