Friday, September 28, 2018


Photo 2

For Friday's "Notes" assignment, go to
Type it in your browser.

Assignments we have done for a grade in this class:

•Safety exam
•Digital Collage
•4 more photos of the same color
•5 one color photos in a Photoshop collage
•The same silhouette photo with a 5 different images in it
•Drawing of “How to email” instructions
•Vocabulary in “Notes”. Usually a definition and an image. Cannot be made up.
•A current grade form. Most of you did this.
•A folder titled “Portfolio” with your finished assignments in it.

You also got a grade for emailing some finished assignments to

Here are vocabulary words you can do to makeup missing assignments.

In Notes, 4 vocabulary words +images = 1 missing assignment. Just show them to me.

Closeup photo
Rule of thirds
Grayscale photo

Digital Collage
Camera lens

File format

Table top photography
Portrait photography
Shutter speed

Stopping action
Auto focus

Saturday, September 22, 2018

september 25 and 27 one color photos & side and silhouette photos

No phones except for classwork.
If your phones are out during instruction, place them face down. 

Do not listen to music in the classroom. No earbuds or headphones. 

80 is the highest possible grade for past due work.Past due assignments will not be accepted more than 2 class meetings after a due date.

Assignments are INDIVIDUAL unless assigned as team or group

Email assignments correctly

Here are the email instructions:

I will not accept your email if not done correctly.

That includes:
Your first and last name
The name of the assignment
Your block (or period)
Your assignment attached as a JPEG

•Check your grades
You may have done the assignment, but have not turned it in. Talk to me.

80 is the highest possible grade for past due work. Past due assignments will not be accepted more than 2 class meetings after a due date.

Today and this week:

•Make a folder, titled "Portfolio" with your finished assignments in it. 
Here's how to make a new folder:

Put these finished assignments
in your new "Portfolio" folder
You should have:
1. Digital Collage (the Rock)
2. Portraits with Filters
3. 5 photos of one color

•Be sure you have Chrome in your Dock
•Notes: Photographic composition (definition and image)
•Finish Assignment: one color Photoshop collage
• Second Assignment: side & silhouette photo