Sunday, January 25, 2015

digital imaging & editing

Assignment description: 
This will be an ongoing look at the Photoshop skills and techniques related to digital imaging and manipulation of photographs.  We will learn Photoshop tools  and processes for editing digital photos. This will mostly involve learning how to take selections from several photos and combine them into one photo using layers and layer modes.

Show Photoshop help link:

photoshop tools

copy and paste photos
also shows cutting out a background

video on selections

selection tools gallery

the lasso tool

copy and paste photos

What I Want You to Know:
How to use specific Photoshop tools to edit digital photos
How to use layers for digital imaging techniques
How to combine different parts of several photos into one new photo


Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.
Course Level Expectations (CLEs)
The student will
1.1 Demonstrate the use of knowledge and technical skills in at least one specific medium.
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and responsible use of art media and tools.
1.3 Create visual art that communicates ideas through the use of media, techniques, and processes.
1.4 Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the application of media, techniques, and processes
used to solve visual art problems.

Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. Course Level Expectations (CLEs) The student will
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design.
2.2 Critique organizational components (structures) and expressive qualities (functions) of a
work of art.
2.3 Evaluate the function of a work of art as to utilitarian or intrinsic purposes.
2.4 Apply problem-solving skills to create solutions to a specific visual art task.

photo_photoshop collage

• It's going to be cold and it's going to be hot
• Dress with that in mind
• I will report non-SSA 

What I Want You to Know:
How to use specific Photoshop tools to edit digital photos

How to use layers for digital imaging techniques

How to combine different parts of several photos into one new photo

3.Students will integrate reading, writing, math, and science skills and understand the impact of academic achievement in the workplace.

4.Students will relate and apply artistic knowledge, skills, techniques, processes and strategies for the creation of design, photographic, web, print, and various digital projects.

6.Students will produce creative and artistically pleasing media for use in various applications for advertising, internet, film, entertainment, and marketing communications.

10.Students will develop e-Skills that are flexible and evolve with the increasing demands of technology developments and business needs, helping students become life-long learners.

11.Students will demonstrate skills that are employable and desirable to a rapidly changing industry that demands innovation.

copying photos onto layers

working with the layers palette


Feb 6:
open photoshop
go to window>workspace>essentials or design (for CS5)
go to file>new>name: type your name_photoshop collage 1
width: 17 inches (not pixels)
height: 22 inches
color mode: rgb
background contents: white
click OK

open photoshop
go to window>workspace>essentials or design (for CS5)
go to file>new>name: type your name_photoshop collage 1
width: 20 inches (not pixels)
height: 4 inches
color mode: rgb
background contents: white
click OK

be sure you check Auto-Select Layer

1. Find high resolution images 

or....not copyright free

How do you know if they are high res? 2 ways

Better yet......take your own photos
2. Get the jpeg images onto your desktop. Sometimes you will download the images. Sometimes you will click, hold and drag the image onto your desktop. Sometimes you must click twice or 3 times to get a high res image. or on one of the images and drag it to the desktop. Remember: At, click on a photo, select one of the high resolution images and drag it to the desktop.
3. Drag it onto the Photoshop icon in the dock to open it.
4. Copy it into the new Photoshop document>Click and hold on the layer thumbnail>Drag it into the new Photoshop document.

Note: In CS5, your image layer thumbnails may have an X over them. If they do, click on the check mark in the Options Bar, then go to Layer>Rasterize>Smart Object

5. Resize: Go to Edit>Free Transform and resize the image to fit in the document. Hold down Shift to resize in proportion. Click the check mark when you have what you want or the cancel button if it’s not what you want.

6. Go to File>Save. Be sure you are saving into your folder.

1. Repeat steps 1-6 above and create new layers with a new photograph on each layer.
2. Resize all of the images to make them fit in the new document. It is good to have layers overlapping
3. Save the document and tell me when you are finished.

Remember that you can turn off the eyeballs on Photoshop layers to simplify what you are doing to each layer.

Your grade will be based on:

1. Correct document size and specifications (50 points)
2. Photos on all layers (25 points)
3. Photos resized to fit layout (25 points)